In the Gujarat's Udayapur district there is some village where the people have been used to married with out a boy in the home bride. It is a most wonderful marriage in the world.Similarly , in there is a community of Rathwa tribe they used to married without a boy at first which is a belongs to their culture and tradition . Basically it is a running from the 100 years ago in their culture.
It is so, an amazing marriage in the world . In the marriage a sister of groom who did complete the all process and work from the side of his brother . At first a sister of groom who came to the home of bride as a groom but groom stay in his home for the waiting of his bride.As a whole process completed by the sister of groom than they take her to the home of groom where he waiting for the bride.
Finally, when the bride reached in the home of groom than they start to marriage once again with groom with in all the rules and regulation .At last in the home of groom they organize the party .So this is the wonderful tradition of the Rathwa tribe which is running from the so many years ago .In the other hand they also believed that this rules and regulation had been came from the god due to they are used to marriage without a boy.
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