Sharukh khan and Sonam kapoor are has been announced for the most unlike actor and actress of 2016.In Bollywood industry will organized the 'Hours Awards' every years where they distribute the award which are most unlike in the whole years. Similarly in this show they distribute the award in some categories which are not like in the year.This year sharukh khan has been selected from his movie 'Dilwale' and also sonam kapoor has been selected from the movie of 'Prem ratan dhan payo'. this film has also announced the most unlike film of the year by the Bollywood film industry.
In the same way director Bikash bahal got the award for the most unlike directing from his movie 'Shandar' in which movie Shahid kapoor and Alia Bhatta had been play the major role.
Actor Neil Nitin Mukesh has been announced for the most unlike co-actor from the movie of 'Prem Ratan Dhan Payo' and Suraj pancholi who got award of most unlike dabuet actor of the year.As well as Karan johar selected for the miss-cast of the year from the movie of 'Bombay Velvet' in the movie he appear as a ' Gangstar' which movie had been directed by the Anurag Kashyap.
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