Friday, June 10, 2016

Strange world where God is punished

There is a temple of goddess in Chhattisgars  district of India at Keshkala city. A temple named Vangaram Devi temple is a center of faith of a lot of local people  of that village. Every year  there is a great fair of all the local people of around the locality of that temple .All the villager gather  at temple there by carrying their own  deity  from their houses. They create deity god standing court where people made complain against the god in same court. All the guilty god and goddess are collected or presented in the court. The Judge of that court is the main priest of that Vangaram Devi’s temple. All the day of evening the court make decision to them. To all the god and goddess  given a punishment  due to injustice ,sorrow ,and tremble of people. The punishment towards god is to removal of 6 months and removal norms and indefinitely for long lasting. Not only that even the dead sentence is given to deity. For the punishment of dead sentence they  broke the ideals of god and other punishment is  not to take them to home and punished by taking near the temple of deity in an open prison there.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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